from Chandra
I have never been to a show as emotional and beautiful as the one I saw
just about an hour ago..... I can't really compare this show to any of her
previous shows, because I was only 11 months old when I first saw Stevie
(w/Fleetwood Mac, 1980). My mom says that when I was a baby, the sound of
Stevie's voice would soothe me, and I'd stop crying.... I can't say that's
true for tonight, however, because when Stevie first stepped on stage, I
almost started to cry, I had such an intense emotional rush.
Stevie played tonight on her last date of the tour... She sang a couple
songs that she says she never gets to sing onstage: Garbo, I Never
Promised You A Rose Garden, and a few others, I can't remember (I'm still
in total shock that I saw her).
Her voice was in perfect form, and Stevie looked stunning (but then again,
when does she not?).
I can't really remember what I was going to write... (still in shock!)
The show was absolutely marvelous, she sang for about 2 1/2 hours, did
three encores, and of course, met with her fans at the end... I wasn't
one of the lucky ones with front row seats, but I did have a stellar view
of the stage from the side... I could see everything going on, even when
Stevie was still backstage....
That's all I can remember for right now ... feel free to e-mail me if you
want more details.... Blessings, Chandra (
from Laura Stuckey
It's no surprise to this writer that the Stevie Nicks Enchanted Tour ended on a night when the moon was full. And in a town called Portland, Oregon.
With 7 different shawls and 2 complete costume changes, Ms. Nicks entertained a crowd of mostly aging baby boomers and a handful of younger fans. One was about 5 and wearing a light blue tutu. She sat in the front row.
The show opened with a light electrical set and a tune called Outside the Rain. Picking up the pace, Stevie announced to her band members that since this was the last show of the tour, they could feel free to get all their aggressions out tonight. Apparently the band fared well over the last 40 shows because there didn't seem to be a lot of aggressiveness, only fun and frolicking among the players. The third song into the set, Ms. Nicks offered her first trade mark twirl during Gold Dust Woman. Ad-libbing a bit ("pick up the pieces, pick up the pieces, pick up those pieces..and go on") the crowd began to show signs of life. The song Rhiannon was next and Ms. Nicks began to infect the audience. A rolicking Gold and Braid and Whole Lotta Trouble followed. Stevie showed her talented trademark tambourine playing during these songs. A lax security let front row patrons and fans to the stage at this point.
The band then formed a standing/sitting horseshoe as some members picked up acoustic instruments. Stopping a moment to explain how the next three songs came to be, Stevie related how they were written during her career when she and former lover/fellow FM player Lindsey Buckingham were a duo and an item. The set began with After the Glitter Fades, followed by Garbo which she explained was written right after her infamous picture of what now appears on the album titled Buckingham/Nicks. She poigniently related how hurt she was at the time for having to have posed for the shot. Next was Rose Garden. Stevie explained how the song was so very prophetic because she knew in her heart that she was on to something big. And she couldn't have been more right in her feeling and in her words to this song. Next, with lighters glittering throughout the audience, Ms. Nicks and her guitar player stood solo and performed an awesome and flawless rendition of Landslide. When the set was over, Ms. Nicks approached the microphone and announced warmly "Now that that's over, I'll be right back." And she was escorted off stage.
Now halfway into the show, the audience was treated to a solo by the drummer and percussionist. The crowd was pleased with the talent and broke into cheering several times during the solo. The keyboard player took the stage and added a hot synthesizer melody as Ms. Nicks came out in her traditional black and gold "Stand Back" shawl. This was clearly her favorite song of the night. There was much dancing on stage, including a mambo with her guitar player which drew plenty of applause from the audience. The song written for the movie "Twister" titled "Twisted" came next with a definitively different version edge from the song off the Enchanted set. It had a much more bluesy feel to it and was this reviewer's dream. Afterwards, the bass player decided to be a crowd pleaser and went to the edge of the stage and shook hands with fans.
Another brief exit from the stage followed. The trademark bongo solo began soon followed by opening stanzas for "Edge of Seventeen." Ms. Nicks emerged from right stage in a glittering silver dress and pleased the crowd to no end with flawless vocals and her customary handshaking with those standing near the edge of the stage.
The group's first encore, a Tom Petty cover titled "Need to Know," seemed to have taken the audience by surprise, however, Ms. Nicks thoroughly enjoyed it. The second and final encore was "Has anyone ever written anthing for you." There were several shouts from the crowd "We Love you Stevie..." About 3 lines into the song, she turned to her right towards the bass player, put her hand to her mouth and took about 4 steps away from the microphone. She continued her turn around and sang the rest of the song. Those who know where wondering whether she was going to finish the song with a dry face. Amazingly, she did.
After the last encore Ms. Nicks lovingly brought all of her cast and crew onstage including her dog Sarah, whom she affectionately introduced to the entire audience. She thanked everyone for making this truly special night, the last night of her tour, even more special. She also wished the traditional, "Take care of yourselves so we can come back and do this again."
from JEver63935
Stevie played the Rose Garden last night in Portland, OR. Stevie was
awesome, the caliber of musicianship was unmatched by anything that is
being produced by some artists today. One reason I enjoy listening the
Stevie's music is her music is about her life. By listeing Stevie's music
a person learn's the music business is not an easy way of life. However,
just living life is not easy at times either. Stevie's band, the songs
Stevie sung were done beautifully and the whole concert was well done.
What can on say about Bozz Skaggs. Skaggs was outstanding, his band was
from Esther
I thought I could not love, admire, be inspired by or be awestruck by
Stevie any more than I am already...boy was I wrong. I was in such a daze
after the show that when I was driving home from Portland to Salem...a
drive I've made hundreds of times...I somehow ended up on the northbound
freeway instead of the southbound (I still don't know how that happened!).
When I figured it out, I picked THE wrong exit to get off. You know,
usually when you get off the FW, there is an onramp right there? Not this
one! Anyway, I was totally lost and a 45 min drive turned into a 2 hour
drive. Oh well, it gave me more time to reflect... Soo, before the
concert. I went to my friend Jeff's (from the Enchanted list) hotel to
pick him up. I had already told him I'd take him to and from the concert.
He's from Idaho and this was to be his 4th Enchanted concert! Well, to
my surprise, and excitement, in his gratitude for the ride, he gave me,
yes I said GAVE me 6 Stevie LP's!! Bella Donna, Wild Heart, RAL,
is almost non-existent. This is a Japanese import. I almost had a stroke
when he whipped out all these LP's and gave them to me!! All these years,
I have never been able to find any Stevie/FM vinyls (well, except of
course Rumours), and he knew that. God, that was great!!! At the concert
I bought three shirts...the blue lamp pointing one, the "lacehead" one and
the one where it looks like she has pink wings. I got the tourbook
(cool!), a keychain, the postcard and the button...I'd been budgeting for
three months, okay! Give me a break!! :-) Soo, Boz. He is awesome! Man
can he sing the blues. I've always liked him and I would have gone to see
him by himself. If you guys liked him at the concert, check out his CD
from 1994 (I think) called "Some Change". It's a must have if you like
the blues. His backup singer, Lisa, is awesome and needs to be a big star
someday! She was funky...totally into it! Oh, Boz had this tube attached
to his mic that was blowing out! Soo, security. "Ours"
was funny. He was sitting directly in front of me, so we made eye contact
often. During Boz, though, he was falling asleep! No lie! He told us we
could go to the stage after the 12th song...when he told us this, he
finished up by saying "So behave yourselves, okay." So my friend,
Moongirl and I kept count. At about the 10th song, he started getting
antsy and was on the edge of his seat, looking back and forth at the other he was saying "Alright, when already?" I kept looking at
him like "When?" and he would smile and give the had thing like"Just a
minute." He was nice. Soo, after the concert. We were on our way to where
the buses leave and as we were walking a man looked at me and said "Hey,
you look like her!" HA!! Best compliment I ever got!! So we get to
where the buses are...I didn't realize she had such a caravan!! Like five
buses and five trucks! Anyway, we saw her get on the bus and As the bus
pulled out, I was in a spot where I was looking head on into the bus and
she was sitting there holding Sara (the dog!) and waving to us with a huge
smile on her face. Then she was gone :-( We met a cool couple from
Seattle who said this show was better than the Gorge, and Jeff said that
of the four he'd seen (Reno, Denver & Phoenix), this was the best one! So
the four of us are standing there talking and this man with a backstage
pass walks by and Jeff...the ultimate collector...asks if he can buy it.
The guy says "but no ones here now, they're all at the party" , like he
didn't understand the concept of just wanting it, ya know. Anyway, so I
said "Party??" and he says "yea, I'm Sharons brother and I have to meet
her there" or something like that, so we're all "SHARONS BROTHER??" and
proceeded to sing her praises. So again, I said "Party??" and Moon says
"So are you inviting us to this party?" and he says sure and looks at
Jeff..."Do you have a phone #" So Jeff gives him the card of his hotel.
So the guy leaves and we realize Jeff didn't put his room # or name on it!
So, we go back to where the buses were and there is Sharon standing with
some people. When Jeff mentions that her brother asked for his phone #,
but he forgot to put rm # etc...Sharon goes "Umm, I don't have a brother"
and we all go "You don't?!?!" She said no again. UGG!!! What a jerk!!
To build us up like that...UGG!! That sucked!! Oh, and just after the
concert, behind the speaker we were by, I found a flyer with a picture and
description of the stalker...creepy! Anyway, sorry this was so long, but
lots happened!!! Okay, my next post will be THE CONCERT!!
I have seen my I can die a happy woman! Soo, sitting in my
SECOND ROW seat, I can say...does this woman have the most fabulous
clothes on the planet?! The dress she wore from Rhiannon until Whole
Lotta...the grey/black lace one...oh my God! And the white shawl for Has
Anyone...WOW!! From SECOND ROW seats, you could see the actual textures
and intricate patterns. Also, from SECOND ROW seats you could hear her without the speakers, you know? (okay, I'll stop rubbing
in our SECOND ROW seats now) :-) Anyway, the songs. Whole Lotta Trouble,
Edge, Stand Back, Rhiannon, she rocked!! The end of Rhiannon
was like the way she did it live back in the late 70's and early
80's...totally rocked out! I don't think she hit a bad note all night.
She even did the high part in know "You miss what
you...looose". I love that part!! Twisted was inspired! I can't really
pick a highlight...every song was so good. Maybe "Has Anyone"... I've
never heard her live version, except on Letterman. WOW! I love how she
speaks the part "and when they ask her about the men her life, and they
ask her...believe me." "And they were poets...and yet...they were priests
of nothing". That is just sooo powerful, the way she says it. Rose
Garden was neat...after she told the story she says, "and this is called,
You Never Promised Me A......" And half the crowd yelled with her, "ROSE
GARDEN!" It was cool, and I'm glad she realized where she was singing :-)
The Introduction...we can't figure out who it was. My friend Moon says
it wasn't Chris...I wouldn't know him if slapped me in the face, so I
don't know. Whoever it was, was kind of a hippie looking guy...kinda big
w/ long hair, a beard etc. I mean that in a nice way :-) I loved the way
she talked to the crowd. She seemed so happy and into it! Let me just
say...seeing her up that close, I don't think they did much airbrushing on
that People Mag picture for the 50 most beautiful people issue. She is
beautiful! Her hair is like 5 inches shorter than the Dance, and she
looks like she's lost about 25 lbs since then too. I hope she doing it in
a healthy way! Anyway...during Edge when we were at the stage, before she
did her pass, Moon and I were singing in perfect unison with her (words, I
mean, certainly not notes!), and (Moon didn't see this, she was too busy
singing to guitar player!), but Stevie looked right at us, for at least a
couple of verses while we were singing, and then she said something, I
mean spoke, right in the middle of the song, while she was looking at us
(okay, we were like 5 feet away from her...if she spit, it would have
landed on me square in the eye!). Now, maybe I was hallucinating...but I
know said something. BUT... I don't know what she said because right when
she spoke, Moon grabbed my arm and shook me and yelled..."look, look",
while pointing at the guitarist. AHHH!! Soo, the greeting of fans....Moon
and I were dead center...she sitting on the speaker (she's 8 months
pregnant!) and I standing next to her. I'm glad I had my platform boots
on, or else I wouldn't have been able to see!! Anyway, a few people
before Moon, some girl tried to give Stevie her bracelet, but Stevie
didn't seem to want to take it and so the girl slipped it onto Stevies
wrist and she said thank you. Now, her George Clooney look alike security
guy was moving her along quite briskly, but when she got to Moon, she
grabbed both of her hands. I really think there was some connection
there. She stayed with her longer than anyone else and she was the only
one who Stevie took both hands. She just squeezed and the look her
Stevies face was priceless. Well, I had written a letter to Stevie telling
her how she has inspired me and literally saved my life...very personal
letter, which I had second thoughts about writing, but then thought what
the heck. I also put in the envelope a really pretty heart shaped
pendent. It was an aqua-aura...very iridescent blue, that I thought
Stevie would like. Well, in my amazement at her w/ Moon, I couldn't take
my eyes off her face, I had both my hands up, but I guess I wasn't
aggressive enough to take her hand...I guess I was waiting for her to take
mine, I didn't want to be too pushy. Well, she kinda brushed my empty as
she walking by...she was trying to touch the people behind us too :-)
Before I had a chance to hand her the letter, she was gone :-( AHHH!!
Well, Carlos, Don and the piano player all saw me. I kept looking at
them, showing them the letter and mouthing "pleeeease, pleeeease". They
would just smile and shrug their shoulders....I think they were playing
with my head, lol! Anyway, I motioned to the piano player if I could
slide the envelope across the floor and he looked at me coyly, like "well,
I'm supposed to say no, but..." so I did, after much debate of how rude
that might be and the three saw me do this and all smiled. So, from then
on, each time one of them looked at me, I clasped my hands together and
mouthed "pleeease. pleease". I'm sure they though I was a freak! Anyway,
they kept messin with me! So, Don, the guitarist was the last one to
leave the stage after the whole crew and he looked at me, I did my
pleeeease thing and he smiled, nodded and picked up the letter. HE, BTW,
is very cute!! Anyway, I sure hope he gave it to her and if he didn't I
hope he tore it up and threw it away, cause I wouldn't want someone else
to get it!! Oh well, I emailed Ginny a couple of weeks ago about the
letter and she said that if I was able to get the letter to Stevie that
she would read it, so, hopefully....Oh, after the encore, she brought out
the whole crew including her dog, Sara. I, being the huge dog lover that
I am, was so touched by way held she held that sweet little dog, it just
made me cry. I was really a very sweet moment. Anyway, it was an
incredible experience. Seeing this lady who has touched my soul, warmed
my heart and provided me with strength and comfort for all these years,
when no one else was there for definitely the highlight of my
life. My dream come true. She shows no signs of slowing down...I don't
understand how she does it! I hope she does a tour for her new album so I
can see her one more time. All through last year what kept me motivated
was knowing I was going to the Dance show...this year, what's kept me
going was the anticipation of seeing Stevie solo. I will never forget
this experience, and all I can say now, still reeling in the awe of her, goal for the last 20 years has been to see her, I
what?!?! Thank you Stevie...I love you...we love you!!! You are a
shining light in this world...I know you will continue to burn bright for
many years to come...Thank you. Love, From a very enchanted fan, Esther
from Melissa -
What a memory tonight was for me. My brother and I met my online
friend, Esther, at the Rose Garden Arena in Portland for Stevie's last stop
on this enchanting tour. We high-fived each other down to our second row
center seats and happily jammed wth Boz Scaggs, who was extremely well
received by the audience. After Boz' set, a security guard told us that
we would be able to rush the stage after the 12th song during Stevie's
performance. I asked him to keep an eye out for me since I am eight
months pregnant. The stage was transformed into a beautiful scene in no
time at all and when Stevie came out, she immediately received a bouquet
of flowers from some people in the front row. It seemed as if she knew
she was supposed to take them beforehand. After "Outside the Rain/Dreams"
she talked about how this tour was her chance to do all the songs she's
ever wanted to perform live on stage. She told the story behind the
inspiration for "Garbo". She spoke of her "vision" by writing "Rose
Garden" and put an emphasis on the phrase, of course, for the venue. At
one point, she walked away from her mike which hung on to her by way of
ribbons and she gave it a dirty look with a simultaneous karate chop with
her cute! Soon we were able to rush the stage and I have a huge
bruise on my leg from trying to fly over the front row. Anyway, we got up
to the front and center and in no time, I was out of oxygen and seeing
little white stars so my brother and I asked the people next to us if they
would switch places with me so that I could sit on top of the speaker. My
brother lifted me up and I felt better being able to breathe. Stevie
began to walk along the edge of the stage and I got up on my knees and
felt the security guard touch me as if to make sure I was okay. When
Stevie approached me, our hands came together and our eyes locked and all
I could do was say, "Stevie, I love you..." and she replied with a smile,
"I know...." I can STILL feel how her hands felt in mine. I am kind of
speechless about it. Those around me said that she spent "time" with me
and it just felt so right, like it was meant to be...almost as if she knew
who I was and took an extra moment. Stevie and Ginny Kamano recently sent
me a baby card so the possibility is there! After she went back to the
mike, Don, the guitarist and I met each other's eyes and sang part of
"Edge of 17" which wasn't anything flirtatious, just fun. Every single
member of this band had such charisma and personality and it was just so
easy to fall in love with all of them. After the last encore song, Stevie
and the ENTIRE crew came out on stage....all the roadies, singers,
wardrobe, Christopher, the band and Sara Bella Donna, too! What a sweet
puppy she was! They all took a bow and Stevie told us to take care and
that we'd do it again. Stevie sang it best....."I will not forget this
night....." Thanks for reading my story. Take care, Melissa
Hello all :O)
Well I have to say this was the best night of My life :O) Stevie was
stunning and Wow is all I can say she rocked the Place. I have to tell
you not many here menchend the lighting it was so beautifal purples,deep
blues, and pinks and the stage just glowed. Well the song list was on the
money except No Stop Dragging My heart Around OH well !!! "Stand back"
rocked the people on the floor stood almost the whole time and so did I
but I wish that more people in the upper seets would have too. Well she
talked alot to the crowed and that was so sweet her voice was so soft and
she giggled a few times saying that she had never talked to the fans that
much ever in the 25 yrs of performing it was great!!!! well the Crowd
started going up to the stage before "whole lotta trouble" and were there
for about three of four songs. Well Ege of Seventeen started paying and I
just jumped up screeming I was dancing and singing to the song it rocked.
Well I must add the "Lanslide was so beautifal she decated it to a person
named Jade and to her crew and thanked them for all there hard work but
the best part of the song was that you could here the crowd sing to the
song and I beleave that she could here us cause she smiled really big. :O)
well I have taken enough of your time but if you attended this concert or
any on the tour you know that Stevie Nicks is the
Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we all love her :O) OH yeh she sang "need
to know" and "Has anyone ever written anything for you" and it was like
she was singing to just to each indaviduale in the crowd and she said when
she came out for the Encore she said "I would never leave you without a
Tom Petty song" well thats it but the night was spellbounding Simply
from T. Gagnon
The concert was really a night to remember, clearly Stevie wanted to
relate to her fans on a more personal level, the brief feelings about the
songs before she sang them was an extra special addition.She pretty much
did the set the same as described in all the other reviews, but when she
introduced the band, she said Thank you to them for all their help on the
tour, it was really sweet. Her voice was perfect, and she didn't miss a
beat, she did mention several times that she can't wait to do this again,
and that she had a lot of fun!

I have to say that the venue and the crowd is what surprised me the
most, or should I say disappointed me.... First, everytime someone would
stand up and start to dance, which was hardly ever, security would tell
them to sit down! I had taken a sign in that read, "NICKS ROCKS", and
brought my tambourine, as usual, but the odd thing was that no one else
did, this is the first Stevie concert that I have been to where this
happened. I was afraid that if I started to play, people would get mad,
and I was right, some did! But most people really liked it.
When Stevie started playing "Whole Lotta Trouble" the first three rows
went up to the stage, no one else was allowed, I thought it was strange
since only a few people brought her things, a little girl tried to go
give her a gift too, but security took it from her.
When the concert was over, I watched several people taking things off
the stage to take home, flowers and gifts that other people brought
for Stevie!!! I couldn't believe it!!! I don't think I will ever go to
another concert there.
from Randi -
Stevie's concert at the Rose Garden was a wonderful experience that i
will remember with great joy for the rest of my life. i have been dancing
to her songs ever since i discovered my mom's copy of Bella Donna at age
6. Stevie has always been a source of inspiration and joy through her
songs, and i was thrilled to finally see her perform live, and to be in
the company of so many other enthusiastic fans. Her set was incredible and
Boz Scaggs' set was a great warm-up, bluesy and energetic. Stevie seemed
to be in great spirits and her voice was strong and lilting all at once.
she really seemed to connect with the audience, and we responded with
cheers of WE LOVE YOU STEVIE and lots of hootin' n' hollerin' . one of my
favorite songs is Garbo, which she sang beautifully. Rose Garden and Has
Anyone...? had great depth and brought tears to my eyes. Stand Back
brought many to their feet even us in the nosebleed seats. I was just a
little bit bummed because i could barely see Ste! ! vie! nevertheless, i
sang along, danced and clapped, and no one around me seemed to mind. many
people, in fact, were bouncing about in their seats, though not standing
like myself and a few others who just had to DANCE! i had brought along a
fairy-tale print by a local artist, with a note of thanks to Stevie for
all the music she has brought us, and, thanks to my determined sister, i
was able to catch up with Stevie after the show to present it to her. she
is amazingly beautiful, talented, sweet and friendly, and i feel so
fortunate to have met her. it was truly a thrill to see her lovely face
close up after squinting and straining to see her during the show. Stevie
is a wonderful, witty, wise, and sparkling woman, and i hope to see her
perform again in the future. if any of you out there would be interested
in corresponding with a fellow Stevie fan, please e-mail me at: :)
from Dorothy K.
Having gone to the first concert at Hartford, CT , it was my pleasure to
be at the final show of Stevie’s Enchanted Tour. Stevie made mention of
the tour ending. “This is our last show. It is so great you can share it
with us. Everyone was walking around not wanting to say anything. So I’m
sure I’ve depressed everyone.” And to the band, “If you have any
aggression now is the time to get it out.” It was thrilling to see how
Stevie maintained her enthusiasm for this particular set of songs and to
see her intense commitment to performing them with abandon. When Stevie
took the stage with her flowers to give away, there was a gentleman in the
front row holding out his flowers for her. Stevie proceeded to exchange
bouquets of flowers with him. I love the tradition of “Outside the Rain”
to “Dreams” and it’s hard to imagine a Stevie concert without it.
“Enchanted” seemed to raise the level of excitement at the concert. My
favorite, “Gold Dust Woman”, always has something unique. “Pick it up…pick
it up…pick up the pieces and go home” “Someone said something
about…someone said something to me… someone said something about gold
dust…gold dust…” Before the trilogy Stevie said the box set has songs I’ve
wanted to do for you guys and couldn’t. Although the song introductions
are familiar there is always some variation. “After the Glitter Fades” -
“Me and Lindsey were trying to make it and you know the story. Our love
for singing is what got us through the bad parts.” “Garbo” - “The
Buckingham Nicks photo shoot was in a glamorous Hollywood setting. Lots of
beautiful girls wanted their picture taken. I was appalled at what
happened and I wrote this song.” “I Never Promised You ARose Garden” - I
was seventeen and a senior at some high school in San Francisco. I knew
something big was going to happen. I didn’t know what but there would be a
price to pay.”Stevie’s dancing during “Stand Back” succeeds in creating
those electric moments. Since one of my favorite things is lyric ad-libs,
here’s another one. During “Edge of Seventeen” “I know what it sound like;
I know what it sounds like; it sounds like you…” As others have noted
before “I Need To Know” Stevie says, “What would a Stevie Nicks concert be
without a Tom Petty song.” Another heartfelt rendering of “Has Anyone
Ever Written Anything For You” closed the concert with class and
emotion.Needless to say the band introductions were very emotional on this
the last night. Each member of the band came forward to kiss and hug
Stevie. She said how special Don was and to Carlos “Who was with me when
times were not so good and you remember that.” It looked like Stevie said
to her drummer, “Don’t make me cry.” It was evident how much this
particular group of people had bonded. After the encore the entire crew
came out on stage for the final bow. Stevie even introduced her dog, “This
is Sara Belladonna” Everyone bowed taking their time. Stevie said, “Stay
well and be good to each other so we can do this again.” The final image
was of Stevie walking off stage with her dog and holding hands with her
brother, Christopher, who was wearing the Blue Lamp Stevie Shirt. Many
thanks to John Kinney and the Nicks Fix for helping to make this tour so
much fun and for keeping the fans up to date on ‘all things Stevie’. Most
of all thanks to Stevie for a phenomenal tour. I know the five concerts I
had the good fortune to attend each were memorable in their own way.
Stevie, you are the poet, the priestess and the legend… Until next time
rock on gold dust woman…