From the moment Stevie stepped on stage singing and twirling, we were in awe. We were fortunate to have second row seats, but during the middle of the concert, we were allowed to stand at the front of the stage where Stevie came out to us and shook our hands. That was the hightlight of the night!!! As she sang Landslide, the crowd sang along with her. The energy in the air was breath taking as this rock and roll queen took us all into her heart even if it was for a brief moment in time. She sounded great, in perfect voice and as always, looked beautiful in her lace and boots. A night we will not soon forget, and yes Stevie, we will always remember you!!!
If anyone out there is considering going to see her, GO!!! Be prepared to fall in love with a legend that compares to Garbo, Marlene and yes even Marilyn. We love you Stevie.................
Chris Nicks made his way on the stage to begin. "I read from the dictionary, Enchanted : to influence by or as if by charms and incantation : BEWITCH to attract and move deeply rouse to ecstatic admiration, her to the point of tears .. Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Stevie Nicks...... a sound of rush was heard all through the amphitheatre as Stevie Nicks made her way on the stage.
Completing the introduction song of the night, ever one heard one of the famous lines of Stevies.. "Welcome Everybody". Performing up to the selection of her triology that reflects on her life, Stevie mentions that her Grand dad would be proud of her 2nd return to Nashville, TN. As Stevie begins to open with her first song, she looks back the turns and tells the audience that she is so nervous, so please bear with me. It is important to listen to Stevie during this set of songs that she has selected. Stevie has made comments that she is more relaxed and open then she has ever been and that these selections of songs are things that have happened in her life. The first selection "After the Glitter Fades, Stevie makes reference to days before the time that her and Lindsey joined Fleetwood Mac. They were living in hard times and unsure of where they future would take them. In her 2nd selection, "Garbo" Stevie goes back to the Buckingham & Nicks photo cover that brought much controversy of them posing nude. Stevie had much difficulity about this picture and after returning home that evening, seat down and wrote this. Then in the final selection, "A Bed of Roses", Stevie says that she wrote this song when she was a little girl and knew that her life would not be a simple one. Returning to other selections of the night, the crowd was entertained with the pleasant sounds of a wonderful singer.
As the night came to a end in Nashville, Enchantment was in the air.
Stevie put on what I thought was the best solo performance that I've seen...(#5 for me - since The Wild Heart).
Concert going tip #1....after Boz Scaggs performs, you have less than 10 minutes before Stevie appears...I couldn't believe how quickly they had his set torn down and hauled off.
Stevie exhibited an abundance of warmth and enthusiasm..and yes, she said more in the first 15 minutes of the show than I have ever heard her say at any previous solo or Fleetwood Mac show.
The song set is the same....however, Stop Dragging My Heart Around was deleted. Song highlights: hearing Gold & Braid and Sleeping Angel. You should also know that Whole Lotta Trouble packed a whole lotta attitude - it was great to hear this song played and sung with so much 'attitude'. And what everyone has said about this version of Twisted is's fantastic!
Concert going tip #2 - have cameras ready at the end of Stand Back...Stevie delivers a great 'kick' at the end...a picture I wouldn't mind having (hint hint).
Although I couldn't make it down to the stage during Edge of Seventeen I had my binoculars trained on Stevie as she bent down and shook hands with the crowd....I got the idea that Stevie "really didn't realize" how much she is loved and how much she means to alot of us. She reminded us several times throughout the evening how overwhelmed she has been by the response.
At the risk of beating an already dead horse...this is a concert not to be missed!
Well the security guy came back a few songs later after he took my camera and gave it back to me, he said they decided to let folks take them, he was nice about it this time, I think he felt bad about it. Well I was TOTALLY enjoying the concert, and here he comes again, I thought oh no, what now. He asked us if we wanted to go to the stage area, I said "heck yea!", so he escorted us down to about 4 feet from the stage area, which was rockin & rolling up there, it was the BEST I could have hoped for. So I took more photos, then I ran out of film...she got real close to us shaking hands, which I tried to get up there but only being 5' 2", it was hard, got push around a little. Tried to get to shake hands, but didn't make it, but got a close view, and I will never forget it as long as I live. She really looked great, slim and trim. Even did a kick during "Stand Back" She sang "Edge of 17" and it rocked!! Her band was really great! During "Landslide" everyone was singing with her, "and I'm getting older too....She said her thanks and left the stage. Then we yelled for her to come back and she did. Singing Gold and Braid, then finally "Has anyone ever written anything for you.", it was great. I was mad when security took my camera, but if it had not been for that, I probably would of never got to go up to the stage area. Thanks Security Guy! We love you Stevie!!! A truly Enchanted evening....wonderful....unforgettable ......everyone should see this show. Also, pick up a tourbook, its great.
First, Boz Sgaggs came on and warmed up the crowd with a set- which I thought- was a bit too lengthy. He wasn't bad but I wanted to ROCK and Boz just wasn't doing it- at all. When he finished I had already made up my mind that I was jumping to my feet the minute our godess approached the stage and would sit when the TRILOGY started...I was wrongm but that's later. Finally, Christopher NIcks read the definition of "Enchanted" and I was so dazzled by how much that word described Stevie...WOW! Then "Outside the Rain" began and my body was covered in goosebumps- it was great! Stevie was sounding AWESOME and I was totally into it until some jerk came up and asked me to sit down...I couldn't believe it- this audience was LAZY, UNINSPIRED, and just plain BORING (I'm referring to the majority of the half of the lawn we were on)- so I sat but I was destined to to LOVE this show. Every song, every note, every word caught me at the right moment! Stevie seemed to be enjoying Nashville but said she was a little nervous. Well, the music was great...I was kinda bummed that "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" was cut...but I got over it.
I watched her every move and clung to every lyrical phrase- I wanted so much to tell her how much her words mean to me!!! Highlights that stick in my mind are "Stand Back"- which brought down the house (but kept our section in their seats), "Whole Lotta Trouble", in which Stevie was intent on telling the audience "When I want something, I get it" (if you saw the show you know what I'm tlaking about). The TRILOGY followed by "Sleeping ANgel" stole me...I sat, listening...I was AWESTRUCK by her prescence on stage and the songs power. THe opening of "TWISTED" was just great and the song was better than the DEMO and much better than the "Twister" version. "Rhiannon" was a HUGE hit with Nashville- it was different from any version I've heard and it held its own! "Landslide' was heart-breakingly beautiful. Obviously, Stevie was hot under all those lights but she gave the greatest show I've ever seen and one I will document in my heart forever.
"I NEed To Know" and "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" were the encores and there was NO way I could stay I got up and moved to another group who were ENJOYING the show immensly... Stevie closed with her trademark "Sometimes they ask her about the men in her life"- and I was spell bound and SO close to tears!!! I blew her a kiss and we were off to reflect- I couldn't have asked for a better show!!!
From the time her brother Chris steped on the stage and read the defintion of Enchanted until the time she held my hand and smiled at me and right up until the end of her last song and last graceful bow I was lost in a sea of love!! Or should I say "I was drowing in a sea of love" where everyone from all over the south had come to drown. Now let me tell you now I came willingly and I didnt fight it because it was the most sinfully sweet pleasure to the ear that one could ever hope to hear!! Stevie shared with us her heart and we shared with her our pleasure!! Her songs were beautiful, sweet, sad and fun! They were mystical, fairy like and beautiful. Steive sang with a passion I havent seen since I watched my bootleg tape of Mirage sent to me by my friend Janel *snicker*. Never has there been an entertainer who put so much soul and love into her music and never has there been one like Stevie who does it all for her fans!
Stevie shared with us in and acoustic set some of her favorite most personal songs that she loves and holds dear to her heart. I along with most of her adoring fans felt so honored and greatfull just to get a peak inside of such a rare soul. The music ROCKED and it ROLLED it FLOWED and it DANCED it weaved in and out of the humid hot summer night like the "lightin bugs" that had also gathered for the "enchanting event". Stevie gave us so much with her songs but still she wasnt done. After all her wailing and singing and pouring out her musical soul she took the time to shake the hands of her adoring fans!! What a selfless and honorable thing for her to do!! She could have been Garbo or Marlana (sp?) or even Monroe, but world would never survive with out STEVIE! "She rang like a bell thru the night" and we loved her!!! Thank you Stevie you dont have to be anyone but yourself.
I was worried my boyfriend who is a rap music enthusiast would be bored but I caught him humming "Whole Lotta Trouble" midway through the show. My seats were great but I was anxious to move closer to the stage. So when I saw that no security guards were watching the middle isle, I drug my boyfriend down there. After squeezing our way up to the front (which always makes a person tons of friends) I saw that Stevie was shaking peoples' hands. When Stevie came over on our side, my boyfriend whisked me on his shoulders. Stevie looked right at me and held out her hand. I couldn't stop smiling for about an hour after that. Stevie made the show worth it for her fans by doing that. She looked beautiful and handled the heat and humidity very gracefully. This concert is definately a MUST SEE for any fan who wants to see Stevie at her best.
The concert was divine and Stevie looked magnificent. She did get a little nervous before After the Glitter Fades but got through it like the pro that she is. She also left out a line in Edge of Seventeen (because of a timing mix-up), but she just used that time to get the crowd more involved and she ad libbed a little more at the end of the song. I made it down to the stage during Stand Back. I was just left of center by the security guard. I stood by a wonderful man who gave Stevie a bouquet of roses. I also saw the notebook that the fellow fan held up and gave to Stevie. And yesssssss! I got to shake Stevie's hand again for the second time this tour and I was totally awestruck. Again I told her thank you and she said thank you back! I won't forget this night!! It was the most beautiful experience of the 3 concerts I have attended this tour and the Nashville fans were fantastic. Thank God for my wonderful mother for helping me in all three of my quests for tickets. Thank you Stevie for doing all of this for us! We will not forget you!!!!
Thanks again to the Nicks Fix.
Finally the moment we had been waiting for was here. Arrived in the parking lot of Starwood at 6:30 after the short 10 minute drive from the hotel. The weather at that time was rain but I was not going to let that dampen my night. We popped the trunk and pulled out our beers while jamming Stevie from the car stereo. The man directing the cars into the spots was dancing to the music and smiling while directing cars. We decided after a couple of drinks to head in and pay the big bucks for the beer. With a nice buzz going at this time I decided I had to have one of everything at the souvenir stand. The girl assured me that I would be able to bring it out to my car before the show so I wouldn't have to lug it with me. At the gate security told me if I left I couldn't get back in. What was I going to do? Well, I went back to the souvenir booth and told her she had lied. She then offered to keep the merchandise behind the counter till after the show (Thank you Meloney). We decided after checking out the crowd to head to our seats 5th row ( Thank you Vince and Melissa for the ticket stubs). Boz was good but couldn't wait to get him off the stage so we could see the Queen Gypsy herself. The moment was here. As her brother read the definition of Enchanted it was hard to hear from the roar of the crowd but we all know the real definition of Enchanted is "Stevie". At that time I figured it would be a good time to whip out the camera and get some shots. During Stand Back they allowed the crowd to rush the stage and of course I wasn't going to let anyone get in my way. This was the 13th time I have seen Stevie solo and the 10th time I have been lucky enough to get to the stage. This concert was for sure her best. I hope my wife will look this good at 50!! I wish she looked that good at 30 ( if your reading this honey, that is just a joke. You are my Queen). I can't even tell you how fast the time goes at a Stevie concert. I wish she would of done the whole box set twice but she had to be in Kansas City. I could go on about her beauty and the song set but you have read that a 1000 times.
After the show we went back to the hotel to find a bunch of people waiting for her return. We grabbed our cooler and headed to the lobby. She did not return but I had a lot of fun talking about the show with everyone. At about 3:00am I decided to head back to the room. I wouldn't want Stevie to see me in that condition anyway. Well I think its time to make reservation for the Portland show. oh yeah, I received my pictures back and they are killer!!!!! Hope you people that hasn't seen her yet have a fun and safe time. Rock on Gold Dust Women!!!
P.S. To those in section 202 the last row.......No I did not leave after LANDSLIDE, just found a better seat. 4th row front and center!!
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