Trouble in Shangri-la
Rose Garden Arena Portland, OR
page last updated
August 18, 2001
Newest reviews
posted at the top.
Thank you Stevie, for an upbeat and wonderful night. There was certainly
magic in the air at the PORTLAND ROSE GARDEN... With the beautiful fire torches,
fountains and roses outside the building. Stevie's voice was right-on; the sets
were well paced. The drum soloists were outstanding, and fun to watch. Stevie's
calm, professional and soothing interaction with crowd was admirable - even as
she blasted our spirits with GREAT RockNRoll! Thanks for sharing your thoughts
about Lindsey, and where some of the new songs had come from. Many of us wanted
to know. More importantly, thanks for all you do!
Jeff in Phoenix
Hey, I'm back....finally....like I said before, I flew standby so didn't
quite make it home when I wanted to. Just gave me one more night in Portland.
Here's my review: I'm writing this review from Phoenix. I flew up to Portland
to see Stevie perform and looking back on the weekend I realize there was a certain
theme to the whole trip.....the spirit of a mystical Shangri-la space. This whole
trip came about kind of strangely. Here in Phoenix I wait tables for a living....several
months ago I had a flight attendant leave me some passes as part of a tip. (Thanks,
Cheryl!!!!) Now when I saw the tour dates I kind of freaked a bit since there
was no tour date for Stevie's hometown. Then two good friends told me there were
moving up to Portland in June. I knew I wanted to see Stevie on this tour so I
asked them if I could come up in August for the show. Luckily they said yes, so
I used the passes to fly up on Thursday.
It was my first
time in Portland....it's a very beautiful city.....rolling green hills...lots
of flowers....lots of flowing water.....quite a bit different than Phoenix in
the summertime that's for sure. It was kind of funny because the temps were up
in the 90's and that's all I heard people talk about....how hot it was.....send
them to Phoenix for an afternoon in August.....lol... We spent Friday sight-seeing....including
Multnomah Falls....a stunning waterfall set against a cliff....quite beautiful.
I remember making a mental note how Shangri-la like it was.....even with all the
tourists and gift shops. We spent Saturday afternoon at the craft/arts fair in
downtown Portland.
Okay...on to the
show....we arrived at the Rose Garden arena and were promptly told to go to this
one area....they didn't tell us why. Comes to find out that since they didn't
sell out, they were exchanging the tickets for seats in a better section. Due
to monetary reasons we had to get the 'cheap seats', but luck was on our side
and we got some pretty decent seats. I had brought my binoculars along and we
could see just fine. I knew what the set list was from reading the Nicksfix but
didn't want to spoil it for my friends so I didn't say anything. Bootylicious
caught them by surprise as it did most people. The lights went down and the acapella
chorus of TISL started and I had to admit it sounded pretty cool.
The highlights
of the show for me were varied. One of the coolest things I saw while looking
through the binoculars was during GDW. Stevie had gone back by the drum sets which
had some plexi-glass in front of the them. It was towards the end of the song
as Stevie was getting into it as she does, but what was cool was that I could
see her reflection in the plexi-glass. So, I saw her from the back plus views
from the front on her left and right sides....it was kind of like looking at her
in one of those three sided mirrors. It was just a cool visual effect. Everyday
sounded much better than I thought it would live. Bombay Sapphires was awesome
I thought...it's beginning to be my favorite song off the album. Fall from Grace
rocked as did Stand Back....but Stand Back always rocks. Stevie told the story
about POTU's beginnings and how it was about Lindsey. She said that every FM album
she would present the song to them and Lindsey would be like, "Umm....I don't
think so." That made me laugh.
I'm glad that during
the band intros she mentioned Al Ortiz was from Phoenix...all though she said
it kind of like, "and he's from PHOENIX, ARIZONA!!!!" I'm glad Stevie's
proud of her hometown. The big highlight for me had to be Rhiannon. I have loved
that song for years...I still have the 45 somewhere. I never tire of hearing that
song and it's special energy. I have had some problems the last few years and
the legend of the birds of Rhiannon has come to mean a lot to me. After all these
years that song continues to grow with me....and for me. I have heard Stevie sing
the piano intro part many times now but it still gets to me every time. Don't
know what it is....the song itself....Stevie's voice...her magic....all the time
that song has been with me....it just has a special place within me. And to top
it all off, for some odd reason, I want the top hat with the big ol' white feather!!!
Just thought it was cool.
Anyway the show
was over too quickly.... On Sunday we drove out to the sea....Cannon Beach...stopped
and saw the largest tree in Oregon....it was over 600 years old. So, after all
this.....coming from a hot dusty brown Phoenix to Portland with it's green hills
and water.....and the flight passes....and my friends moving up there at this
time...and the upgrade with the concert seats.....and the beauty of the area with
it's giant trees and all sorts of flowers...to the crashing of the ocean....the
perfect timing and some magical luck.....seeing my friends...and of course, Stevie
and her music....the only thread that comes to mind is Shangri-la. To my friends
Val and Trish....thank you for a wonderful time. I had a blast!!! And to Stevie...who
started this all....thanks for always being there when I needed you.....it's been
appreciated.... Oh, and the best part is that now Stevie IS going to play Phoenix
after all!!!
Barbara Keckler
I have a list..."Things to do before I die" and seeing Stevie
in concert was on that list. For this event, my friends and I drove 11 hours each
way from Idaho. It was worth every moment. From the time that Stevie walked onstage
to her last bow I was on my feet, amazed that I was finally seeing the one who
had, with her poetry, gotten me through so many events in my life. Her voice was
strong and beautiful. She twirled and the crowd went wild, she performed a haunting
'Gold Dust Woman' and capped it all off with a beautiful rendition of 'Has anyone
ever written anything for you' that brought tears to my eyes. And then Stevie
would talk to the crowd and the stadium would fall silent...everyone hanging every
word this goddess of song had to say, it was like nothing I had ever seen before
and nothing I will see again until I see Stevie again. Thank you Stevie!
Sandy Thornton
OK...here's my review...Title should be "Good vs. Evil" read
on...Hubby and I have 6th row seats on the floor in the aisle. The set really
does looks incredible...they just brought out her mic stand complete with Stevie's
black and white ribbons! Soon she'll be there pouring out her heart to us! I can
barely stand it...
I have never been
this close to Stevie before So...hubby and I are waiting...I have my camera all
ready, loaded with 800 speed film (I called a few days before to confirm with
the Rose Garden's management if I could bring my camera and talked with 2 people
who said it would be fine) Stevie comes on I snap 5 or 6 images when some jerk
from her, not the Gardens', security grabs my arm, spits in my face saying "No
Cameras!" "Give me the film NOW!" "No Cameras" "Where's
the FILM!" I'm in shock...tears...he was so mean...I said I was sorry and
that I had called the Garden to double check with them, described my camera to
them and they ok'd it..."THEY WERE WRONG!" "NO CAMERAS!" "Instamatics
ONLY!!! NO CAMERAS!!! WHERE'S THE FILM" I began to bend down where my camera
bag was...he was standing on top it practically so I couldn't grab it to put my
camera away without saying "Excuse Me!" He moved out of the way...I'm
in full blown tears at this point...he says, "Put IT Away NOW!" "Don't
USE IT!" At least he didn't take my film...needless to say he ruined "SDMHA"
for me...I wasn't really calmed down until half way through "Enchanted"....I
was so disappointed. Not only did he come over and harass me but after that he
had every security person eyeing us through the entire show! Like we were Hit
Men or something! I just wanted some really cool photos of Stevie I could have
for my website and my collection...jeesh!
But through the
course of the evening Stevie graced us with her amazing ability to grab us and
put us in another stratosphere. She truly has a gift that is beyond words. I'm
not sure if it was the songs themselves or just her voice or all of it combined...all
I know is she calmed me down and allowed me to thoroughly enjoy this evening after
that mess..."Dreams" and "GDW" blended amazingly well - I
didn't even miss "OTR". She seemed to give a little bit too much of
her voice especially during the end of "GDW" where she sent me back
to 1982 as I closed my eyes..."Every Day" was well received and sounded
better than the album version, she really makes each song her own even if she
didn't write it.
She tells us about
the next song and how it came to be, "When her and Lindsey moved to Hollywood
after living with their parents and it was all scary and exciting and everything..."
"Sorcerer" was, well...incredible...really awesome...vocal harmonies
blended well...she left off the high notes which is just fine by me.
Then during "Rhainnon"
some security guy came up and asked if I had a video camera, (in my bag) which
I replied "No, it's just a camera" "Well can I see it?" "Sure"
He looks at it and says "I'm sorry, just don't use it" "I know
they already told us we couldn't use it - so we're not..." Good grief...even
the girls in front of us turned to say, "I feel so bad for you guys!"
"We do too!"
Anyway...She was
"Rhiannon" and gave, again, a bit too much of her voice were she sang
an old school version complete with "Dream on silly dreamer, try hard you
can't leave her..." Incredible, complete with dripping black sleeves, twirls
etc. At the end she told us how, "A song is only as good as the response
the audience gives back to it...so..." (paraphrased) "Stand Back"
was a show stopper I think maybe 50% of the people were singing along - everyone
on the floor was for sure! Oregon people are so sedate - no, more like zombies!
It's Stevie you peeps, come on and dance! After the (I'm calling it a high leg
lift ok...) More twirls, Waddy's guitar connection dance - she floated off stage
for another shawl change..."Planets of the Universe" what can I say
about this song...as Stevie told us, "I wrote this song after we were finished
with Rumours, all the tracks were laid, and Lindsey and I were really over...really
finished. So I wrote this song, this angry song and every time I would present
it to Fleetwood Mac they turned me down. Because it's so full of anger and everything...so
about 6 years ago I sat at the piano and I thought how can I make this song not
so angry, because Lindsey and I have forgiven each other and we still really love
each other and I really love this song. So I re-did it and I still love this song".
And so do we Stevie...another awesome live song I can't put it into words...
was great I didn't hear any problems with vocal harmonies as others have stated
in previous reviews. "Fall From Grace" a true rock classic if I ever
heard one...Stevie really let loose on "Maybe I fought this long and this
hard just to make sure you survive..."OK...I know what's next because I memorized
the setlist..."Bombay Sapphires" is such a rich song, there are so many
layers to it, again vocals were top notch with no problems, she got all the lyrics
right...I heard some thought her mic went out in a few places but it didn't, she
was singing away from the mic as Stevie does...because she's so into it! Same
was taken note of in "Sorcerer" as well...she purposely didn't sing
the high notes. I must say her shawl for "Sapphires" was really gorgeous,
light blue with tiny crystals all over it. The last notes have fallen from "Sapphires"...hubby
holds the tourbook and the 'evil' camera...I get ready to walk several feet to
the stage...while security is turning away people left and right...a younger fan
is stopped with a teddy bear...and while they're debating...hubby says "GO!"
Past 2 on my left and 1 on my right who tries (but not really) to stop me. I wedge
myself between a stacked monitor and a woman shorter than me, on the far left
of the stage...I'm glad I wore my 4" heels! I pray for the first few minutes,
"Lord, don't let them whisk me back to my seat...PLEASE!" So we're all
standing there about 25-30 of us...I really couldn't see how many and quite frankly
I really didn't care...Because I was pressed up against the very stage that Stevie
Nicks was just on and will be on again to sing "Edge of 17"!
There really was
no room for me to stand normally so I was kinda standing sideways the whole time
with top hat in my left hand and my right hand free in hopes that she'll come
over for a moment... Waddy comes out and does his "Edge" thing all of
us are dancing, whistling, whoo-hooing...eye contact...smile...cool... OMG...here
comes Stevie and I'm within several feet of her as she starts to sing...I can't
believe I'm standing here : 0 The song is intense and again she gives quite a
bit more than she needed too - I think she must have felt like it was 1981 all
over again...because it came through in her voice..."I still hear the call
of the nightbird..."It seemed like this song went on forever...I was so excited...I
was about to, at the very least, have Stevie walk right by me...She starts to
turn from her mic...and walk toward me...OMG...I'm the first person in line! I
have eye contact with her the entire time...smile...tears..."Stevie"..."I
made this just for you"...she reaches for my hand and says "Thank You",
holds it briefly while I hold up my top hat then she moves on to the next lucky
fan...her attendant who's behind her reluctantly took my top hat along with the
other items that were being showered upon the stage as she walked by...
She's so gracious
and more beautiful up close...I'm all tears at this point...I can't believe I
just held Stevie's hand! A dream come true...The most awesome part came after
"Edge" finished up..."I know what it sounds like...just like a
white...winged...dove...." No her mic did not give out (again) she was mouthing
this line over and over away from the mic as she turned to Waddy...Crowd goes
nuts...she waves and again is whisked off stage...I kept waiting for them to move
us back to our seats but, they never did...I stay right where I am...I hope hubby
understands...She came back to do "I Need To Know" I didn't mind this
song so much since I was this close!
She left and came
back for the grand finale'... "HAEWAFY"...Her black velvet top hat complete
with white, black and peach colored ostrich feathers...and a gorgeous sheer crystal
laden top...This is such a beautiful song...a single stage light shone on her
from above...she's an angel and I'm in heaven...just leaning my head on my hands
which were clutched at the end of the stage...I cried like crazy....The last notes
fell she gracefully holds her hat and waves "I don't like to say goodbye
so, take care of yourselves and we'll do this again real soon...take care..."
I will never forget this night...dare my wild heart...Stevie is the best of the
best and always will be no matter what circumstances come my way! Yes, Stevie
the feeling does remain even after the glitter fades..."
Jessica Duerr
I was so captivated by your concert on August 11 in Portland, Oregon.
This was my second concert ever, and I still think about it all of the time. Your
outfits, voice, and talent will continue to inspire many people far into the future.
Mike Sisco
To put on a good show artist like Madonna and Janet Jackson rehearse
countless hours to get their moves just right. It only took one simple spin from
Stevie Nicks to bring the house down. It was the most incredible show I've seen.
Stevie's presence alone was a show in its self. Thank you Stevie.
I am writing this review in response to the extraordinary events that
occurred the night of the Stevie Nicks Concert in Portland Oregon. The energy
was festive and fierce like all of Stevie' concerts, however this particular evening,
it was different. Something was different.. maybe it was the moon that nite, or
maybe it was the comradery that emulates, beyond the superficial, allowing a clan
of strangers to embrace eachother through thewords of a poet. A Poet who reaches
into hearts. I could see the white light fill the stadium that night. I could
feel Stevie Nicks, share her stories of bliss and despair through the lyrics she
has so eloquently gifted to an audience who very simply, can relate.
Twenty Years down
the road and she has embraced her adoring fans yet again. I was astounded at the
people who were in section 100. Stevie would really want to know them. There was
Tom and his wife Katherine, a couple who have been married 15 years, who saved
4 months to see the show, and they never stopped dancing and smiling, together,
arms wrapped around eachother, in sync, loving, and laughing. There was Angie,
38 years who has waited a lifetime, and her two daughters, who also saved all
of the money they could to see the show, and when Stevie Nicks walked on stage,
tears fell down thier faces as they hugged in excitement, it was a dream come
true, to be so close, to be so thrilled. I could go on and on talking about the
people that I watched that nite, but mostly its about the magic. Thank You for
the white light Stevie and for the enchantment, and for sticking around, and for
telling us to take care of ourselves, We were listening..... We have always beeen
My Nicks Fix- The best night of my life began with the sharing of this
magical night with my daughter Nicole, who grew up on Fleetwood Mac and Stevie
as a constant staple in my home. We drove five hours with Stevie on my Cd player,
singing and me telling her it would be a concert experience she would never forget.
Bootyilious started
to play-the crowd gave a collective sigh in anticipation of our enchantress' arrival.
The intro to Trouble in Shangri-la started to echo in the arena-I knew she would
be escorted to her throne. We had excellent seats -we saw everything-Stevie was
gently being escorted up the stairs to the stage. She was angelic as she floated
up those stairs. The feeling in my body can only be compared to being on a rollercoaster
looking down from the highest point,knowing what a ride you are about to experience.
My daughter was in complete awe.
The ride began-the
wonderful stage of pillars standing all around with roses dangling to the ground.
Dainty Ms. Nicks had us capitivated with her graceful presence and powerful words
of a lonely life filled with the hope of what if....
Stevie has an aura
about her that oozes a woman overflowing with wisdom,deep ,deep feelings and and
a childlike hopefulness.Through her powerful words and undescribably haunting
voice she touches our soul because it genuinely comes from hers.
Todd &
OH MY GOD, girl you still rock!!!! Stevie your voice tugged on the crowds
heartstrings and brought the people to their feet. Your band was outstanding great
percussions. Also thanks for taking the time to drop the window and wave when
you passed my wife and I. keep on keeping on
Please send Stevie all our thanks-yous and awestruck reactions to the
Portland,OR show. I first want to add my appreciation of the song "Fall From
Grace" from the new album to the chorus of raves for the other new and old
songs that were played at the concert. This song is true, driving, passionate
Stevie. I have been waiting to see Stevie for nearly ten years after I was introduced
to her wonderful lyrics and music at around the edge of 19 :). I sometimes miss
the high end of the range she had when she used to purr "Dreams" and
the like, but I think I now appreciate more the depth and strength of the lower
end of her range. It speaks better to the drama and power of her lyrics and legacy.
She sounded, and looked, beautiful. I cried as she neared the end of "Has
anyone ever written anything for you." I've never seen a performer so genuinely
appreciative of his or her fans as Stevie was that night. Almost as satisfying
as Stevie's performance was seeing so many people as excited and passionate as
me about every song and every twirl and kick! Thank you!
Craig B
What a great evening in Portland! After reading previous reviews, I
went in expecting a good show and I saw something even better! When Bootylicious
started, the crowd went wild and stayed wild throughout the show. Stevie came
on stage and started off "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" with Waddy
as a duet partner and the energy did not stop until the end. Each song was well-received
to say the least, the sound was spectacular and Stevie's voice was better than
I walked away
from the Enchanted Tour in '98 very satisfied. This tour tops it. Great songs,
and a fantastic band. The highlight for me was 'Stand Back'. I have seen it live
4 times and this time was spectacular! The energy of everybody together on stage
was amazing! I loved it! Edge of Seventeen brought the house down and Planets
of the Universe was one of the unique songs in the set. The lighting and visuals
were completely different and Stevie talked about the importance of the song,
the anger and frustration she had in her relationship with Lindsay. It made the
song that much more relatable. "Gold Dust Woman" had the crowd going.
When Stevie performs it, you see her true nature of mystery and mystique. And
she said she was so appreciative of the audience's enthusiasm as it has a direct
affect on how the performance happens.
The final song,
"Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" was it's own as Stevie changed
her outfit and came out with a ponytail and a large tophat a la Mac with a huge
feather in it. It was a great end to a wonderful evening. It was unfortunate that
it had to end and Stevie was very personable with the audience - inviting them
back for another time together. All around 11 on a scale of 10. Thank you for
the wonderful and intoxicating evening, Stevie!
Tracy Remington
The Gold Dust Woman illuminated from the beautifully decorated stage.
With all eyes fixated on Stevie, she ruled the stage with an iron hand. She sang
and danced with radiant confidence along with delicate and blissful gestures weaving
her pure magic through the audience. Powerful and full of emotion, our legendary
Stevie held nothing back. This lady from the mountain knows how to rock!
After having seeing
Stevie several times, i must say that she is truely in the prime of her onstage
life. In true Stevie form, she held close to the vintage songs that made her famous.Starting
with Stop Draggin My Heart Around , the audience roared with adoration for her.
The power of Gold Dust Woman was extreme ...the initmate vocals and suggestive
hand gestures took the audience to the magical kingdom of Stevieland (where her
true fans want to be). Sorceror seemed to be an extention of her inner self.The
intro to StandBack had an outstanding,hard rockin drum solo that went on and on
with Waddy Watchel astounding the audience with his clever gutair and the famous
high kick Stevie gives at the end of StandBack is always to be looked for . The
magic of Rhiannon cryed out to all as she twirled with true Stevie style. Dreams
took you back to the early days of her famous career.
Every Day gave
way on how to cope with hope. Edge of Seventeen soared like the white winged dove.
Planets of the Universe went its way and flowed through the soul . The colors
of Stevie's soul shined with Bombay Sapphires. The hard rockin Fall from Grace
stole the show with a crecendo of survival at its best. Stevie topped off the
evening with Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You by wearing a black top hat
with feathers~ever so classic Stevie~with her hair up and the hat on she wished
her fans well and said for all to take care in hope that we will return with her
one day and sing songs with her forever. Everything was in perfection. The incredible
sounding band unleashed the raw power of the background singers, which all together
, truely complimented Stevie in every way. The only thing i kept wandering is
where are Stevie's signature boots? but in all reality, i didnt care, this is
Stevie Nicks and there is and never will be anyone on this planet that matches
her abilities or talent. Stevie is truely a walking legend in our time. Dont miss
this show because Ms, Nicks conjures the most powerful stage performance there
is. Stevie is ageless, timeless and authentic in every way.
Thank you Stevie
for giving so much to me in this life. You, Stevie, are my La Nuit Magique~(my
night magic). sincerely with love, Tracy Remington (aka WildHeart9)
Rick (Nanook),
Linda, Cory and Sarah
If anyone can get this to Stevie, please try. I just turned 50 this
year and have loved you forever. Your Concert tonight in Portland, Oregon was
the most incredible event I have ever experienced. I've been to so many Concerts
in my life and NOTHING ever has or ever will hold a candle to you and your band's
show tonight. My 13 year old girl and 15 year old boy were also there tonight.
You have two new MAJOR totally awe struck kids singing your praises as well now.
For anyone who has not made plans to see this Tour, trust us, it's a lifetime
event. We love you Stevie. You made our souls soar again and lifted our spirits
to new hights tonight! Thank You! We bookmarked your official website.. PLEASE
Sheri Gormley
To quote from one of Stevie's new songs, I have so many questions ...
Stevie came on stage in black orthopedic boots. All the years I've seen her in
concert on her own or with Fleetwood Mac, she's always worn these incredible 6
inch spike heeled boots! Did she injure herself recently? Or have all the years
of wearing high heels finally caught up with her? In any case, leave it to Stevie
to wear them with style! The boots (which still had 2-3 inch thick soles) were
decorated with lots of sparkly glitter. I hope she's feeling okay...
Noticeably absent
from the concert was "Landslide." I went to the concert with a girlfriend
who knew a bunch of Stevie's songs from the radio, but is nowhere near the diehard
fan I am. She was so disappointed not to hear this song, which is her favorite
Stevie song. I was surprised not to hear it myself. I know she had to drop some
of the older songs to make room for the new "Trouble in Shangri-La"
songs, but I couldn't believe she dropped Landslide -- it's such a classic! Stevie's
voice was in rare form, and she did play a bunch of my favorites, including "Enchanted,"
which I haven't heard her perform live in a while and it sounded great. She also
included two of my favorites from the new album, "Planets of the Universe"
and "Bombay Sapphires."
I wish she would
have performed the title track, since that is also one of my favorites from the
new album (but then, I wish she would have gone on singing until after midnight...).
The best part of the concert was when she and the band did their final bows after
the encore, and she promised she would come back to Portland so we could hear
her sing again. My girlfriend was so surprised to she the level of adoration Stevie's
fans shower on her -- Stevie's traditional "press the flesh" walk during
"The Edge of Seventeen," with her fans handing her flowers and gifts,
was particularly moving to someone who hasn't seen it before. Does anyone know
when her next album (and tour!) is coming?
We saw Stevie last night for the first time at the Rose Garden in Portland.
All we can really say is it was AWESOME. We knew it was going to be a great show,
but we had no idea that it would be as amazing as it was. The stage set was really
beautiful and we really enjoyed the extended intros to some of the songs while
Stevie was changing clothes. She did a great mix of old songs and new songs and
we were really grateful that she sang so many of the songs off TISL. We couldn't
have asked for a better show. We can now die happy!!
The only problem
with this wonderful night was that the crowd in Portland really didn''t seem that
into it (at least in our section). I don't know if we were just unlucky, because
the people on the floor were having a great time. We actually had people ask us
to sit down when we were cheering and dancing. From what I have read, who sits
at a Stevie concert? We were too excited to sit. We wished that we had bought
floor seats.
On to more positive
things!!! It was an amazing show for our first live Stevie experience and we can't
wait to go to many more. Thank you so much Stevie!!!!
last night was the best concert Iv'e been too, STEVIE was awesome! My
husband and I had the best time. I saw Stevie 15 years ago in Calif, Irvine Meadows,
and I thought that was the best concert Iv'e been too, last night toped that!!
Thank you STEVIE!! You were as beautiful then as you are now!
We had 9th road
seats center stage and we could see everything. The stage set was just so mystical.
I loved when you sang "Plantes" and the earth was moving on the set
it made the whole song come to life. Sorccerer was so powerful, your voice was
so clear, you amaze me! I got up to the stage when you sang Edge" and I thru
you up a necelace I made for you, it was so awesome you caught it and then looked
at me and grabbed my hand, it was a special moment for me. I hope you like it.
It has the blue saphire beads with white peark beads, enjoy STEVIE!!! At the end
when you all got togeather and thanked everyone I thru up a bracelet I made too
and Waddy picked it up and tried it on, it was so cool I think he liked it but
I made it for you STEVIE, I think Waddy liked it. Thank you for coming to PORTLAND
I have been waiting along time. I'll see you next time Stevie!!!!!!!
Brian B
Well, it was a nite just as the previous reviews promised and we had
waited in much antipication for weeks. Stevie is amazing to me. Her voice is so
strong and her band is right on..tight and didn't miss a beat. The lead in to
Edge of Seventeen was just pure good rock n roll pumping with adrenaline. After
a few minutes we all just started screaming cause we couldn't take it anymore!
This is the third time I've seen Stevie and I do have to admit she is better then
One thing your
going to notice if you haven't got the TISL music yet is that her voice is lower.
But, between the back-up vocals and the band it all comes together without anything
but pure Stevie perfection-there won't be any disappointment. When we weren't
"movin and shakin" we were looking in awe. Stevie is a legend and awe
inspiring. Stevie has the gift of taking personal experiences and transforming
them into songs that not only capture us but become thought provoking. For me
Stevie writes and sings her songs as if she knows a part of me. There is always
somethin about her music that you can personally relate to either in your past
or present. For me, Stevie is more then just rock n roll, she is an experience!
And did I say absolutley a drop dead beauty? And of course those eyes...keep "doing
it for the world" Stevie...I'll be your number 1 fan for ever.
Laura Stuckey
What an exciting night! I was so happy Stevie came back to Portland.
The crowd was a lot more receptive than they were in 1998. And there were a lot
more women dressed in Stevie-styled attire. What a difference 3 years makes! She
has definitely gained a lot more noteriety and hard core fans. A loud roar filled
the arena when Bootylicious started to play. Then the lights went down as strains
of TISL played; a very nice intro! The crowd favorites were Dreams, Rhiannon,
GDW; the standards, particularly Stand Back. Stevie was dancing across the stage
and did more twirls than I've seen her do in a long time! You go girl! I missed
her dancing with Carlos on Stand Back, but the many twirls were better than anything.
I'm glad I brought binoculars this time because seeing the onstage facial expressions
and exchanges between band members was really cool!
This was the first
time I've seen Waddy perform and he's such a great guitar player. I loved the
alternate intro to Edge of 17. Planets was great live; the intro to Rhiannon was
great. Bombay Sapphires didn't go over as well as some of the other new ones.
The Rhiannon "sleeves" on her outfit was a great addition. It looked
like she untied them at one point so they draped down. She danced around the stage
with her arms up and the sleeves flowing around her, like in the old days, the
crowd loved it! My favorite was the top hat and pink feathers. She had her hair
back in a pony tail so the whole look was fabulous. I loved the net lace jacket
over the black outfit and the cream colored chiffon shawl which she wore down
at waist level.. it was a very chic-gypsy look. Someone posted a picture here
and I'm hoping to see more offered somewhere on 8x10s.
Stevie's voice
was in FABULOUS form! It was crystal clear and you could FEEL it! I've never heard
her voice so crisp and clear. (Makes me want to quit smoking!) She's gotten a
lot of the tonality back that she had in her younger years. What a blessing! I
think there were some problems with the mic because several times when she would
start to hit a high note it looked like the mic cut out. At one point she turned
to Sharon and said "I don't know what's going on with it.." (reading
her lips and using my binocs). Well, next week I'll be in Santa Barbara to see
the TISL tour again, but I'll be in the 3rd row and hoping to get a chance to
shake Stevie's hand. What a great way to spend a summer vacation!