Stevie joined Sheryl Crow for a free concert in Central Park on September 14, 1999. The concert benefited Pediatric AIDS and included Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Sarah McLachlan, Chrissie Hynde, the Dixie Chicks and others. It was broadcast live on TV, radio and the Internet. Stevie sang Gold Dust Woman with Sheryl and her band backing her. Here are some reviews of the show.
from Julie
My account of a magical night.....
OK is 9:10 am now and I have been up for over 24 hours
straight! I AM ON A STEVIE HIGH!!!!!! If ramble or don't make sense, you
will all know why......feel free to ask any questions after you read this,
I might leave a lot of things out...ok......
The concert was amazing and my friends and I managed to get to the very
front pressed up against the barricade to see the show!!! I have been
crying all night since I was so shocked to be able to be so close to see
Stevie sing Gold Dust Woman. OK HERE ARE THE DETAILS......I will get
right to the good stuff......
My friends and I got to the meadow at around 4 pm, we had to show our
tickets to get in, and we were then searched to make sure we weren't
carrying video cameras, still cameras were allowed and BOY DO WE HAVE
PICTURES!!!!!!! My friend Dennis had a telephoto camera and he got
pictures close enough to see Stevie's individual eyelashes!!!! Anyway,
while we were waiting for the concert to begin, we sat on towels and hung
out while the newspapers were walking all around interviewing people.
They were very impressed with the amount of Stevie fans at the concert, in
fact, everyone they spoke to seemed to be mainly interested in seeing
Stevie. So, the New York Post decided to write an article on how loyal
and devoted Stevie's fans are and were interviewing everyone, including
all my friends!!! IT WAS SO EXCITING!
Then they began playing some music while equipment was being set up, and
all of a sudden, Rhiannon came on..well, there had to be about 10,000
people there by that point and so many people started clapping! I was so
happy to see how many Stevie fans were there..and I couldn't wait for
the concert to begin ;-)
At about 6pm, my friends and I decided to go stand in front of the stage
so that we would be as close as possible. We knew once the show began,
everyone would rush the stage, so we went to the very front and remained
there for the entire show. While there, we met many other Stevie fans
,..INCLUDING Elena from MTV's Fanatic, and her friend, they were both
so nice and cool, we had a great time!!!! They had sunflowers and I asked
if they were a reference to "sunflowers and your face fascinate me" and
they said yes ;-)
WELL 8PM THE CONCERT BEGAN. Sheryl came out and sang by herself and with
some guests, including the Dixie Chicks and we were all screaming and
dancing, but everyone seemed to be anticipating Stevie..I mean
everyone!!!! There were people holding Stevie signs everywhere and
screaming out her name.
The first hour was not live, but when it came close to the second hour,
announced Bill Murray and he came out and spoke, and then named the
performers, and I think everyone who watched on TV must have noticed how
Stevie got the MOST SCREAMS AND APPLAUSE!!! Sheryl then sang another
song, "Winding Road" I believe, then the Dixie Chicks sang Strong Enough
DUST WOMAN!!! I think I went into another zone at the point..everyone
went crazy!!!! I was screaming at the top of my lungs and holding up my
Nicks Fix bumper sticker so that she could see it! There was also a woman
next to be with a top hat on with chiffon hanging from it and a Nicks Fix
sticker across the front.she was awsome. ;-) Anyway, back to
Stevie..she came out wearing the gold shawl and SHE WAS STUNNING!!!!!!!
I AM NOT KIDDING! OH MY GOD..she must have lost even more weight, she
was so tiny and she was absolutely beautiful!!!!!! She looked angelic,
her hair was layered a little more and her face had glitter near her eyes,
she kept smiling and she was radiant. The entire crowd was singing along,
every word, screaming at the top of their lungs. I am sure I list my
voice during that song. Then when the song was over she seemed to run
off, I think she seemed embarrassed or just overwhelmed at the pandamonium
she caused. People were screaming her name even 20 minutes after she left
the stage. I don't know how all the other artists felt about this, but
Stevie's name was being screamed even when she wasn't on stage. NO WONDER
the Post wanted to do a story about her fans!
I was so overjoyed to see how many people loved her there.
After GDW, she didn't sing anything else, she did come out at the end to
dance with her tamborine when everyone was singing together at the end.
BUT she seemed to stay behind Crissie this point my
friends and I were sure she was trying to downplay all the attention she
was getting..I mean Sheryl was singing and everyone in the first 10
rows were screaming at Stevie and holding up signs..she never looked in
our direction, I think she was trying to avoid it a bit since we were
causing such a scene, but we couldn't help it, we LOVE her and couldn't
control ourselves. At one point Crissie Hyde came forward to see what was
on my bumper sticker and when she read it she smiled at us and went back
to playing. Sheryl even looked at us and smiled and then looked over at
Stevie..I think they were all laughing at how they were on stage
singing and playing, and Stevie, who was dancing on the side, was getting
all the attention. Towards the end of the song Stevie glanced at all of
us and smiled and looked away very shyly....I am sure she was overwhelmed
at the attention she was getting ;-) She was so adorable!!!!! After that
last jam everyone left the stage and Sheryl came out for an encore. I
don't know how I am still awake right now!!!! I am on SUCH A
HIGH!!!!!!!!! I watched the tape of the concert when I got home and you
can see my friends and I in the audience and we were also on the news!!!!
ANYONE in the New York area who watched the Channel 5 news, the group of
people holding up the Nicks Fix bumper sticker was me and my friends!!!
OK I need to get some rest now ..sorry is this is all jumbled, but I
couldn't wait to tell everyone!!!!
from Lauren M.
I could not believe I was there, sitting in the front row at Central Park
in Blue... it was so incredible, it was almost like a dream. I didn't
know until that morning that I was even going! I tried to win tickets for
the longest time off the radio station, but that was seriously
impossible.., so I almost gave up hope... but then some of wonderful
Stevie friends had tickets.. and I was able to go! The anticipation
running through me that day was almost unbearable!
So our group met, got to Central Park, and got in the front row!! A
little off to the right side (if you're looking at the stage), but
nonetheless it was in the front row and we were very close.. binoculars
were not even needed!
I'm sorry, I cannot remember the exact order of songs, etc. LOL But
after the opening bands, sheryl came out, and she was really very very
good. She sounded great, her band sounded great. She had on this really
pretty red outfit (as I'm sure all of you have seen from the pictures
already!! :) ) Sarah came out to do a song with Sheryl before the
broadcasted segment started. They sang "Angel" together! I think they
sound so beautiful singing that song as a duet! It was really touching.
Shortly into her performance, Sheryl stopped and let us know that we were
going to be on air in 5 minutes. I think everyone there got really
excited at that point! It was the funniest thing b/c EVERYONE was
cheering and screaming like crazy... a lot more than we were before we
knew we were on TV! Even Sheryl seemed to be more peppy and enthused!
So Sheryl played and played, singing all the songs she sang on Lilith this
summer, and then the guests started coming out. (sorry I can't remember
the order!!) I just remember being in such awe as all of these wonderful
performers and true legends performed... I could not believe Eric did
White Room!!! Wow!!! Keith Richards was really great, Chrissie Hynde was
good, Sarah was great, and the Dixie chicks were good too! Surprisingly
enough, the Dixie Chicks sang "Strong Enough" with Sheryl rather than
Stevie! This occured before Stevie had come out, and at that point, all
of us freaked because we thought maybe Stevie did not show up! Luckily,
the best part of the night was soon to follow......
The stage grew quiet, the lights that were just dimmed turned an
enchanting shade of orange, and the beat of the drum began... that beat
that we all know so well as the beginning of the infamous "Gold Dust
Woman." After about four counts of that beat, we all knew that it was
finally her turn... We all went crazy... It is no joke when I tell you
that Stevie had to have had the biggest amount of fans at that show, and
that she got the most applause out of anyone there... So out she walked
"in her long black dress" and her beautiful orange GDW shawl. Her voice
was impeccable, and she looked beautiful. She just radiated on that
stage. She really did steal the show... So many of her fans crowded to
the front, we were all screaming the loudest we could for her! I am still
in awe... Most of the legends who performed that night sang one of their
own songs with Sheryl singing at least one verse in it. This was not the
case with Stevie and Sheryl... Sheryl played quiet guitar, and sang only
backing vocals... It was like Sheryl left those 4 or 5 minutes of stage
time for Stevie and Stevie alone... she did not touch her music, I think
Sheryl was actually standing back, smiling, and enjoying Stevie's
performance... And Stevie is her idol, it's so nice that she is getting to
work with her.. Oh my God, but Stevie looked healthy, her hair was
beautiful, her make-up was donely so nicely, and she just sounded so
good... as I said I am still in awe...
I made this banner/poster and I really wanted Stevie to see it! but to
the best of my knowledge she did not. I know Sheryl did though! you know
that feeling that you get when you KNOW someone is looking at YOU and not
just the area you are in... well that's what I got from Sheryl at one
point whenI was holding up the banner! She looked and smiled over at it!
So maybe she told Stevie about it! And then at the end of the show, the
very very last song they did, EVERYONE (including Stevie) came out of
Stage... even Bill Murray was snapping his fingers on stage! (Oh yes and
Bill Murray was about 5 feet away from us when eric was doing White Room,
so that was cool) Anyway, Stevie was out with her tambourine, and of
course again we tried to get her attention, but it didn't work! BUT
Chrissie Hynde looked over and it looked like she was trying to read what
it said (I painted "Stevie Nicks" in the writing that is on TimeSpace in
the center and then wrote out 'you're the poet in our hearts...we love
you' and put a bunch of pictures on it, and bunches of long strands of
ribbon on the top two corners).... but she looked like she was trying to
read it, and then once she got it, it looked like she said something to
the effect of "oh ok.." and looked over at stevie.. maybe she said
something to her!! :) Stevie didn't really look around at the audience
too too much. I think maybe she was nervous that it was being taped live
on tv, broadcasted to millions of viewers, or maybe she was a little
nervous, not knowing how the crowd would react to her... it's not like it
was an actual Stevie concert, you know? Most of the people there won
tickets for the show, not for her, you know? So it wasn't like her usual
crowd... but it's funny.. it's like it doesn't matter if you're a
die-hard stevie fan, the most dedicated one, if you like her music a
little bit, or you are not really a fan at all, when one is lucky enough
to be in her presence at a show, (especailly something like this b/c like
I said, it was not a crowd FULL of Stevie fans, although I think we
out-numbered other fans), it's like everyone is a fan.. you can't help but
be one... I don't know how to describe, but it's like the feeling that all
of us huge fans get when we hear her on the radio, or when there is some
coincidence that occurs with something we are doing that is Stevie related
and her song comes on the radio... it's like everyone gets that feeling
when they see/hear her... I've just noticed it too much not to say
anything... i saw it in so many people's faces at the concert.. it was
beautiful... i wish stevie knew that.....
I thought I'd give it a try and see if I could get one of the pictures
autographed by Stevie! But I didn't have as much luck with that as I did
with my flower and other things at Woodstock '98!
Oh yes and she didn't go crazy on the scream in the song! She did it the
way that it is on Rumours.. I've never heard it that way live! Even
though I live for that scream in that song, I LOVe this version too!!!
well that is basically it!! It was so incredible to be there, and I wish
all stevie fans could have been there! It was truly one of her best
performances that I've seen, even though it was limited to one song!
New York Post, Sept 15, 1999
MOST summer nights, there's no place like Central Park to see stars. But sometimes, like last night, it's superstars that shine brilliantly there.
Sheryl Crow, who became a citizen of Skyscraper Park last year, threw a housewarming party for 25,000 of her neighbors.
The free outdoor event at the East Meadow featured Crow in a two-part program. After appearing solo for the first set, she invited friends such as Sarah McLachlan, Stevie Nicks, Chrissie Hynde, Keith Richards and guitar-god Eric Clapton to join her.
Crow was hot in her opening set, wearing a midriff-baring halter-top and red slacks.
Although she was good in that early set, playing hits such as "A Change Will Do You Good," "Leaving Las Vegas" and "Can't Cry Anymore," the set was treated as a warm-up for the second half, which was broadcast on Fox TV.
The later portion of the show was pure star power, complete with song breaks for TV commercials.
Joining Crow first were country stars, the Dixie Chicks. They got a good response, but it was Nicks, Crow's second guest, who rallied the fans.
Of Crow's second-set solos, her version of Dylan's upbeat and very-un-Dylan-like "Mississippi" scored big with fans.
The mostly female guests were given a testosterone cocktail by unannounced player Richards of the Rolling Stones. On stage, Richards, reprised "Happy," with guitar aid from Crow and Hynde. Cadaverous Richards hit his peak during the second tune, "Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller," in which he did a top-notch Chuck Berry impression.
Crow's duet with McLachlan, on the vocally demanding "Difficult Kind," was OK. But the mix from the sound man was a little too shrill.
The response to everyone who joined Crow on stage - even Richards - was polite, by comparison to the cheers and applause garnered by Clapton.
His two song mini-set opened with the Cream classic, "White Room," followed by a version of Hendrix's "Little Wing." The arrangement for that tune was the same with which he ripped the Garden apart earlier this year. Unfortunately for Crow, while Clapton was on stage, he totally dominated, only using her to hit the notes he no longer can.
Crow reclaimed the stage with "There Goes the Neighborhood," a good song, but hardly the evening's best, followed by a jam from all of the evening's guests. This all-star jam was better than most. It featured Dylan's "Tombstone Blues," one of his best. Hynde was the top singer during that set, and Richards made the best moves during the song as he tried to pick up one of the Dixie Chicks during his guitar solo.
The real finale came when Crow, freed from the watchful eye of television cameras, did her signature song, "All I Wanna Do (Is Have Some Fun)."
And it was here, she and her fans did.
from Amy
Well, I cant say I have a full report, because I left right after Stevie
left the stage (what reason was there to stay?? :)). As everyone knows by
now, Stevie did Gold Dust Woman, as soon as I heard the opening chords I
jumped up and a lot of people were cheering, I had a feeling a large
portion of the audience was there for Stevie. Stevie looked fabulous!! I
do believe she looks better with every passing year, but we all know about
her beauty and warmth that shines through from the inside, she looked like
she was having a good time. You can always feel when you are in her
presence, its a certain little excitement. Also, as if on cue, it started
raining towards the end of the song, and for me it has rained every time
I have seen Stevie in person. The first hour of the show was mostly
Sheryl, who is a solid singer and musician, she has so much energy and
good spirit, Im really growing to appreciate her. The first guest to come
out was Sarah Mclachlan, she did Angel on the piano and Sheryl kind of
sang with her. The second guests were the Dixie Chicks, they all did
Strong Enough with Sheryl. I was glad that Stevie did her song for the
most part solo, I thought with all the special guests, Sheryl could have
stepped aside and let them do their thing. I could not stay for the end,
but my friend who stayed said there was an encore after the televised part
where everyone came out again, Sheryl, Stevie, Keith, Eric, Chrissie and
Sarah? but I think this part was on the webcast. With all the fuss about
getting tickets, there should have been an equal amount of seats (chairs)
to tickets given out, this way you would know who should have been there,
etc. All in all it was a good night, the crowd was way too big for this
area they picked (see above), but there were no incidents, unless you
tried to leave early. And.... unlike regular concert venues, food and
water was not extremely expensive (no $5.00 hot dogs), a nod to the parks
department here. Thanks John, for all the info on the Nicks fix, I would
never have known about this without you.
from anonymous fan
Believe it or not, I made it to the show with only a few moments to spare! I mentioned last week that I didn't win the tickets in the lottery; then this afternoon @ 4:30 p.m. a friend called and let me know one of his co-worker won a set and couldn't go or something like that, so we were.
The first hour was mostly Sheryl Crow tunes, except for Angel, which she performed with Sarah Mc Lachlin, which was great.
The televised show began at 9:00, as they were announcing the "friends" names there were cheers for all of the performers, but the crowd went wild when they announced Stevie.
The first of the "friends" were the Dixie Chicks and was it to my surpirse when they sang "Strong Enough" . I thought they they were definately going to perform "If you ever did believe" . But to my surprise right after the Dixie Chicks, Sheryl broke into Gold Dust Woman.
Then Stevie strolled on to the stage, the audience started to cheer loudly, she looked incredible and her voice was strong. She seemed to project a presence that everyone took notice of. She sang with such passion, it was so refreshing to see such a performance by Stevie or any performer.
What I happened to take notice of was that Sheryl took a second seat to Stevie, she let her perform her song. With her other "friends" she certainly seemed to have a more active role. She really just accompanied Stevie. If this performance is any indication of what is to be expected on Stevie's new release, it will be great.
What was funny was that the weather forcast called for showers and there has not been a time yet when I've seen Stevie perform in NY (indoor or outdoors) when it has not rained. I was very happy to see that "tradition" was unbroken.
from Vikki Carlucci
My boyfriend Tommy and I arrived at Central Park at 10:30 AM. Thank God
we did not go the night before because that is what the original plan was.
Well here it is at 10:30 AM and we are the 9th and 10th people on line.
FRONT ROW FOR SURE BABY!!!! And for sure it was. All of this waiting was
worth it. All I could think of was, "Where should we sit in the front
WORLD!" And so I decided, OK, let's sit on the right side facing the
stage, she's bound to be there and she was. I heard the first few chords
of Gold Dust Woman and that was it, I was shot out and gone from then on.
Stevie came out in her beautiful "Gold, Gold Dust Woman Shawl" and she
looked absolutely adorable as usual" AND THE REAL TEARS CAME STREAMING
DOWN MY FACE FOR SURE! Glitter on her eyes and a little flip on the left
side of her hair and it was like, I just couldn't believe she was standing
in front of me again. It is just the biggest thrill in the world for me
to see her. The first 5 rows were taken up by ONLY STEVIE NICkS DIE HARD
FANS! We had a great time and it was my boyfriends first time seeing
Stevie, so I was happy to show him how great she was and how proud of her
I was. I wish my best friend Karla and her husband Dave in Ohio could
have joined us, other than that, Stevie sounded better than ever, looked
better than ever, and the magic around Stevie and her die hards was just
overwhelming! WE LOVE STEVIE!!!! YEAH!!!!!
T.V. Guide and the T.V. Guide Ultimate Satellite for Oct. 9 -15
Cheers & Jeers
CHEERS to setting the woods on fire. What can we say about American
Express Central Park in Blue? Ugly title, gorgeous music. Sheryl Crow's
concert on Fox (September 14) from Manhattan's sylvan sanctuary was a pure
delight. Crow tore through her hits with an inspired roster of guests: the
Dixie Chicks, Stevie Nicks, Sarah McLachlan, Chrissie Hynde, Keith
Richards and Eric Clapton. There was more great music in this one hour
than in three days of Woodstock '99.